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Z'ados plus

Et si on partait au perou.jpg
Tome 1

Et si... on partait pour le Pérou?



Release date : 

26 octobre 2020

target audience : 

12 ans et +

Price : 

17.95 CAD

Number of pages : 


Collaborater(s) : 

  • Mélissa Lafrenière

Description : 

Title : What if... we left for Peru?

Here I am, in a lost and creepy hotel in the middle of Peru. Me, that never took an airplane before this trip! I owe this to my big brother Alexis, whom is journalist for a tourism magazine. He asked me if I wanted to come with him to do a series of articles about the country. How could I say no to a brother-sister expedition in Latin America! So, we left. Alexis with his professional camera, immortalising each step of our trip. He then writes articles to go beyond the picture he took in hope that the readers will see more than what the image alone can give… because every picture usually hides incredible stories.