Accueil /  Collections /  Z'ados plus /  Et si... Hawaï nous surprenait?

Z'ados plus

Tome 3

Et si... Hawaï nous surprenait?



Release date : 

5 octobre 2022

target audience : 

12 ans et +

Price : 

17.95 CAD

Number of pages : 


Collaborater(s) : 

  • Mélissa Lafrenière

Extrait : 

Description : 

Title : What if... Hawaii suprised us?

For the third time, I go travelling with my big brother Alexis, journalist and photograph for a tourism magazine. Dreaming of exotism and heavenly beautiful beaches, we’re leaving for the Hawaiian islands. As I collect sunburns, we discover Pearl Harbor and its tragic history, Hanauma Bay and its giant turtles and Big Island with its active volcanos. While I get inspired by the idyllic horizons to write my first novel, Alexis immortalises every step of our trip with his camera. With his articles, he tries to go beyond the photos he took to show different aspects of Hawaii… because this dream destination hides all kinds of impressive stories.